REC Information
2024-2025 Rec Information
K-2 Rec games played October 20th-through December 15th.
K-2 Rec games are on Sundays starting as early as noon.
3rd-6th Rec games played November 2-December 15th
3-6 Rec games are in the Black Hawk League and are played at various times either Saturday or Sunday
ALL rec practices begin the week of October 14th
REGISTRATION BY September 6th, 2024
Basketball Fees: K-2nd Grade(Co-Ed): $65 | 3rd-6th Grade(Not Co-Ed): $85 | per child
REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS ***September 20th, 2024***
Basketball Fees: K-2nd Grade (Co-Ed): $80 | 3rd-6th Grade (Not Co-Ed): $100 | per child
To register for rec click HERE.